Accredited ISO certification is broadly understood to mean certification that is provided by a certification body (such as Assurco) who is accredited by a member of the IAF (International Accreditation Forum).
In the UK this is UKAS (the United Kingdom Accreditation Service), although other organisations do offer accreditation.
Some of the standards we certify clients to, such as specialist language or travel standards, have no UKAS accreditation available. This is often because they are niche, specialist standards where there may not be enough of a market to support an accredited eco-system.
Where this is the case we work with industry stakeholders, trade bodies and auditors who have extensive industry and subject-matter experience to ensure that our certificates provide real value and trust.
However, the broad management system standards such as ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 do have well established UKAS accreditation schemes.
As Assurco is committed to the highest levels of integrity, quality and trust in the certificates it issues, we are committed to under taking the UKAS accreditation process for these standards.
This takes some time, and part of the process requires us to operate unaccredited certification schemes to evidence that our audit and certification procedures are robust and compliant with relevant standards such as ISO 17021-1: read more.
During this period we operate to the same high standards, and appreciate the support of our clients.
Contact Us to find out more about our accreditation journey.